Product Liability | Our Case Results - Cok Kinzler

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Product Liability

Client Background / Legal Issue Faced:

Fatal Accident Leads Estate to Seek Compensation

While a man was driving his vehicle, as usual, its drivetrain suddenly malfunctioned, resulting in an accident that ultimately cost him his life. His grieving loved ones teamed with Cok Kinzler to seek compensation for their loss. In a successful effort, our attorneys won $12 million on behalf of the client.

Area of Practice:

Overview of Cok Kinzler & their practice areas:

At Cok Kinzler, we work to protect the safety of our community by serving as advocates for those who have been harmed – mentally, physically, or financially – by the actions of others. As personal injury attorneys, it’s our responsibility to fight this battle for our clients using our knowledge and experience. Our primary areas of practice include auto accident injuries, environment pollution contamination, gas & propane leaks, insurance disputes & bad faith, medical malpractice, product liability, trucking accident injuries, worksite & oil field injuries, and wrongful death.

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